Mark Cuban on Americans changing the world: ‘why not you?’
He’s actually asking the whole world.

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban recently released an inspirational 3-minute video that asks Americans this basic question: when making the world a better place again, why shouldn’t it start with you… and why not now?
It’s all over the news: for five months (and counting), coronavirus has taken over the world like a thief in the night. The thing is, it’s still here.
And there’s no clear end in sight.
Globally, COVID-19 has led to the loss of hundred-thousands of lives and millions of jobs, closure of millions of small businesses and postponement of major events, championship games, concerts and religious gatherings.
We can’t even keep track of the numbers because everyday, you know that someone’s life will be affected. Another business will be forced to shut its operations. Someone will go home without a job to return to the next day.
The world suddenly stopped, and we are forced to live a new ‘normal’ where we had to stay home, wear masks, and maintain a safe distance from people when we go out.
These are the days when caring means staying away from our families and friends. These are the days when staying alive means being cautious that the virus is outdoors. And that’s fear talking.
But this is the world we‘re living in today. As humans, we’re programmed to emerge from any crisis, no matter how difficult it could get.
We’re programmed to thrive in unstable environments, and adapt to constantly evolving norms.
And if we’re fast in adapting to changes, we’ll definitely get through the global pandemic.
Just as Charles Darwin said:
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
Over the past hundred years, humans have earned a proven track record in its resilience during times of distress.
In his video, Cuban recalled that some of the best inventions were created during uncertain times. He recounted:
- World War I led to the creation of the blood bank.
- World War II paved the way for the mass production of penicillin.
- The Great Depression brought home chocolate cookies.
This begs the question: “What’s the next best thing humans could create during this outbreak?”
When it comes to creating a better future, Cuban tells you to ask yourself a more important question: “Why not me?”
“Why not now?”
Cuban is not only dedicating his video to his fellow countrymen; this is also created for humans in and outside America who have a dream to create a better place for the next generation.
He is speaking to everyone who isn’t afraid to make small contributions in helping the world survive the challenge that’s bigger than all of us.
He is speaking to people from all walks life who believe they can be exceptional at a time when nobody wants to leap forward.
And we’re here, alive, to prove that we truly are exceptional.
Thank you, Mark Cuban, for reminding everyone that we can go beyond this pandemic together.
Watch the video here.